Juice My WRLD

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"This is an interactive experience that takes you through my personal "Juice WRLD." I hope to inspire you through a journey of lyrics and art that you choose to build with what you're drawn to."

A web-based interactive experience, that allows users to create a story using lyrics from songs by the late rapper, Juice WRLD. The home page displays the first part of the experience, as well as a navigation bar of jumpto links, which help guide the user to more information about the rapper, if they are interested. It also has links to all of the songs whose lyrics were used in the experience, as well as an embedded spotify playlist of mine, featuring Juice WRLD's music.

The experience section at the top allows the user to select different highlighted words withing certain lyrical quotes from various Juice WRLD songs. Each page has two icons on the right, which display why I included that lyric, as well as the name of the song which the lyric is from. This way, the player can listen to the song if their interest is sparked. They could also find a direct link to the song on youtube, found in the "included songs" section of the home page.


This website was created locally on my device using HTML and CSS, then deployed using Github. A lot of the information displayed on the site is from my personal knowledge of Juice WRLD, alongside external research from various sources.